Friday, August 17, 2012

My new favorite blog.

When my children were little, I loved teaching them things. I taught them to pee in the potty, how to sit quietly in church, and how to calculate the volume of a triangular solid using pieces of cake. I loved teaching them. It was my full-time job. So when it came to an end a little more than a year ago, I thought I might miss it. I was surprised to find out that not only do I not miss it, but now that I'm out of teaching mode, I'm learning more than ever from them. They have become the teachers!

Whenever I have a technology-related question, I call Mike. When I need help with photography or decorating or anything artsy, Abbey is my go-to girl. If I'm having trouble with a workout, I ask Man-squared. And Leah helps me understand politics while she's doctoring me with herbs.

But when I want advice about cooking? Deb is the guru. She knows so much more than I do, and she's so much braver about trying things than I am. When she got married, she knew she wanted to feed her family "real food" rather than processed junk, and she has made a career of it.

A few months ago, she began building a website called Wholesome Homemaker where she shares recipes and helpful advice about cooking and eating real food. Real food that real people will cook. I just found it today. She's been trying to lay a strong foundation for her website, so she didn't tell many people about it, but after spending an hour reading recipes and advice, I told her she needed to share it.

So I'm doing my part by directing you there, but be prepared to drool. Her writing and pictures and recipes make me want to run to the kitchen and get started.

This will be tomorrow's breakfast.

This and this will be made one night next week.

And this sounds pretty amazing.

So go look around. You'll surely find something that makes you want to cook. And you'll get to see a few pictures of my grandbabies, and what could be better?

Be thankful ~

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