Sunday, September 21, 2008

We bring new meaning to the phrase "Eat Dessert First."

When Ben took over the College and Career Sunday School class at our church, we decided it would be a fun thing to bring donuts on Sunday mornings. You know, people that age love to eat and what better way to entice them to Sunday School than Dunkin Donuts, right? It was no big deal because we only had three students.


But Ben is a phenomenal teacher and word started to spread. Slowly at first, then like wildfire. The spring semester ended and they all came home from college, and we were so crowded we had to get a bigger classroom. No one in the church had any idea we had so many kids that age. Most Sundays during the summer we had 25-30 students, plus Ben and me. Some weeks we didn't even fit in our bigger classroom.

Now I don't know when the last time you went to Dunkin was, but donuts for 30 people gets expensive. So I started baking. We had all manner of breakfast-ey stuff - coffee cakes, muffins, even did a big pancakes and sausage breakfast one week.

Eventually I got bored making the same stuff over and over, so I began to get daring. I made a pound cake. Then chocolate chip pumpkin bread. And finally a Chocolate Ripple Cake.

And that has become the official favorite. Chocolate Ripple Cake. For breakfast! One of these days I'm going to make a chocolate layer cake and see if anyone notices we're eating dessert at 9:30 in the morning.

Be thankful ~



Karate Mom said...

Wow. I want to come to YOUR Sunday school class! Great teaching AND dessert! I wonder how far the commute is? Hee hee!

Gwendolyn said...

LOL...any time our Sunday School teacher announces that he wants people to bring food the next Sunday, everyone shows up for the class! Food is apparently a big motivator. :o)

Anonymous said...

ya we notice why do you think all of it is eaten?

Teacherbug said...

It was delicious! I forgot to tell you that!