Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Graduation Day

For your perusing pleasure, a pictorial essay of the big day at James Madison University. But first, a funny told by my brother Jim on graduation day:

Q: How do you get a recent college graduate off your porch?

A: Pay him for the pizza.

I don't know why I took this picture. I just loved the bike. The owner still has some learning to do.

When we first arrived, the stadium was almost empty. Faculty and graduates will sit in the chairs on the field:
Beginning of the processional. It took 30 minutes to get them all in the stadium - over 4000 graduates:
And here they are:
Graduation speeches can sometimes be on the boring side. This one was no exception:

You can believe that piece of rolled up paper is not his diploma. But what is it? An advertisement for the guy standing to the right (off camera) taking pictures.
Yes, he is our natural-born son. He really is that tall.
Abbie's favorite shot of the day:As you can see the weather was absolutely perfect. All that stress for nothing. And now reality sets in and the poor boy must go to work.

One down, three to go.

Be thankful ~


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