Monday, May 14, 2007

Today Elijah and I travelled 2 1/2 hours for his orthodontist appointment (long story, but yes, he's pretty far away), and on the way home, E wanted a snack and I had to get gas. So we stopped at a particular exit where there's a truck stop we know and like, and while I was pumping gas, E went in to get his snack. He came out as I was finishing up, and we both got in the car and started to pull out. He looked at the change in his hand and said, "Hey, I didn't get the right change." I asked if he was sure, checking his receipt and his change. Sure enough, he was a dollar short. So without my saying anything, he jumped out and ran back inside the store. I pulled over and decided to let him try to handle it first without my help. I waited about 7 or 8 minutes and he finally came back out. He said the lady tried to give him a hard time, like how she trust him, and she wasn't just going to give him a dollar and all that. So he told her to count the money, and he would wait. Count she did, and found an extra dollar, which was his. I was so proud that he did that, but it's kind of a funny feeling. See, he's my BABY. And he doesn't need me to stick up for him anymore. That's good for him, but weird for me. Anyway, the proud feeling trumps the weird, so I'll just be happy about it and not dwell on the pending empty-nest thing.

Be thankful ~



Anonymous said...

Just about the time you are facing the empty nest, you will be a grandma. Your husband will trade his mid-life crisis car (corvette) in on a 32 foot RV and it will be official. Homeschooled kids like to hang around, too, so you'll probably have kids around until you die. Isn't that grand!

Anonymous said...

that is a great story! what a big kid.

sorry about your long ortho drive. i can relate, ryanns is also 2 1/2 hours away. lucky for me, coie takes her.