Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thoughts for the day.

I came home from yesterday's nine-mile run feeling quite energetic. It may have had something to do with my visit to the tax lady where I found out we were getting a refund, an occasion that hasn't happened in quite a few years. Anyway, I weeded the front and back walkways, sprayed them with Roundup, did a bunch of laundry, vacuumed up the never-ending supply of dog hair, took a shower, and then collapsed on my bed at 4 pm. When I tried to get up an hour later, my legs were stiff and my knees were sore, but nothing an epsom salt bath couldn't handle. Today I'm much better and I'm thinking I'll be able to bang out an easy three tomorrow.

Did I really just say that? I've heard runners talk about doing an "easy three" for years, but never thought I'd be one of them. I think training for this half marathon has convinced me that the best race length is 10K (6.2 miles). It's long enough to be a challenge, but not so long as to kill me with all the long weekend runs.

Anyway, today being Sunday, I thought we needed some pumpkin bread (good carbs, vitamin A) and a nap, so after I ate three slices while it was still warm, I hopped on my bed with the day's Sudoku puzzle and invested some serious time in recovery from yesterday's beating, er,  run.

Also, remember I said we got a Big Green Egg? Here are a few pics of Ben trying it out. So far he's done burgers on it (they were slightly overdone, but he knows what he did wrong) and chicken (it was uh-ma-zing).

Come for dinner and you will immediately go buy an Egg of your own.

And finally, I can't stop thinking about our fun weekend at the Wilds. I keep looking back through the photos. Here are a few more of my favorites. I'm sorry if you're getting sick of the swing shots, but I love the looks on people's faces when they first start falling. Ben and Tony:

And one more of Tony and Cori:

Be thankful ~


Deb said...

Wow, Tony and Cori are such a cute couple! The green egg looks like fun-I want to see him cook his perfect eggs on it! Maybe in a cast iron pan?

The Bailey Family said...

I TOTALLY agree with the 10K comment. I told Steve that after my 1/2 marathon I am cutting back to my weekly "long" run being 6 miles, than once a month I will do 8. That is until late August when I start up training for my 2nd 1/2 marathon in Sept. I wish you would join us! :)