Thursday, April 28, 2011

This 'n' that, with no transition in between.

Yesterday I braved life and limb and walked out front by the blooming azalea bushes. I love azaleas for the two weeks in spring when they have actual flowers on them. The other 50 weeks they're just ugly. But if I tear them out I have to put something else in their place, and if you think I'm doing that then you have grossly overestimated my landscaping abilities.

When you round the corner of the garage, you can hear the hum coming from them, and I was hoping to get a decent shot of what causes all the ruckus.

Still with the focusing issues, but I was trying not to be aggravating to them. Yeah, that's my excuse.

Obviously I needed a faster shutter speed to stop the motion of his wings, but at that point I was more concerned with his stinger than his wings. Nevertheless, I survived the ordeal.

If you've been reading here very long, you know daughter #3, Abbie, is studying art at Liberty University. So today they had a school-wide art show and Abbie entered her pencil drawing of a friend.

Here's the text I just got from her:

You rock, Ab!

Be thankful ~


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