My kids keep me laughing. Here are a few things they've said in the past 24 hours that have made me giggle:
From Mike on facebook: I like rice. It's great for those times when you're hungry and you want two thousand of something.
And then I had this conversation (also on facebook. We really do communicate in standard ways, but facebook is just so handy.) with my daughter Deb this morning after I mentioned that I was taking Man-boy to the oral surgeon today:
Ah, yes. The wisdom teeth surgery. My memories are gross tho so I won't share them. You're welcome! Good luck to Man-Boy!
It really must run in the family. I passed out en route to the bathroom after having my wisdom teeth out. I remember thinking I was yelling for my mom, but really it was a dull whisper and she only came once she heard the thud in the hallway.
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