Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday bokeh party.

I never tried to do this before (the bokeh effect), but now that I have my new **awesome** 35mm f1.8 lens, I couldn't wait to try.

Here's my first attempt. Princess P is too close to the tree.

Second attempt, fiddling around while P gets another toy. We've definitely got the blur going on now. Let's see if we can get an in-focus subject in front of it.

Ta-da! (Sort of.) I've got the idea now . . . get your subject 6 or 8 feet in front of the tree. This was taken while my neighbor (P's mommy) was holding back the hyperactive 8-pound dog that was trying to climb up my back while I was shooting. But look at those blue eyes!

For more holiday bokeh, visit My 3 Boybarians. (All photos taken with Nikon D5000, ISO 200, f1.8, and whatever shutter speed the camera chose.)

Be thankful ~



Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

You're awesome...and that's a beautiful shot. :-) Merry Christmas, sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

I think you got it!

The lower the aperture, the closer your subject can be to the lights and get the bokeh.

It's hard to get babies and bokeh in the same shot.


Sereina said...

Aw, how cute!