Yesterday was my niece Anna's high school graduation. We drove up to their house (1.5 hours away) for the festivities. Actually, Man-boy drove
while I sat in the back and bugged everybody with the camera. He said I'd been demoted. But I got him back by waiting until we were 200 yards from our exit when he was in the left lane, and yelling, "Hey! Exit here!" As you can see, we're all still living.
My brother, Jim, is Anna's daddy
His mother-in-law took this picture, while Jim kept saying, "Don't cut our heads off! Don't cut our heads off!" Apparently she has a reputation. This one was close.
Here he is bugging Abbie and Man-boy, before the band started playing.
This would be a good time to stop and tell you that Jim is married to my college roommate, so when we visit, not only do I get to see family, we have a mini reunion too.
Anyway, the party included my brother's bluegrass band. They come from Michigan and Wisconsin. He met these guys when they were all in the Navy many moons ago, Casey taught Jim how to play the guitar, and the band was born. Now they're just a bunch of old geezers (and one lovely young lady) who get together and play for fun. They've made a couple of CDs, but haven't quit their day jobs.
(l-r) Karen (bass), Jim (guitar), Mike (banjo), and Casey (mandolin). Karen and Mike are married. We took a video of one song. If you're easily entertained by sub-par film-making with 1940s-style audio, go ahead and listen. (And if you know how to get this dumb thing in the center, feel free to give me instructions.)
Shoutin' on the Hills from Karen Sargent on Vimeo.
And here I am with my wonderful mommy. I hope I look just like her when I grow up. What do you think my chances are?
One of the nifty things they had was this dish of M&Ms with Anna's face on them. You send in a photo and they put it on the M&Ms. How cool is that?
And this is Bess, their dog.
Bess is about 200 years old, and totally arthritic. She takes medicine for it and hobbles around, just enjoying being in the middle of things. She's a great old dog who refuses to look at the camera.
Today we went to Andrew and Janna's wedding, which I have zero pictures of. Ben looked at me like a three-headed goat and I said, "I'll get them on facebook." But it may be weeks before they're on facebook. So you'll just have to trust me when I say it was a lovely wedding. The violinist was especially lovely.
Note to self: Take more than a cell phone camera to weddings.
Be thankful ~
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