Monday, March 10, 2008

The Noah Experience becomes the Penguin Chronicles.

You'll be glad to know our reputation is still intact.

It rained. But that's putting it mildly. Let me start at the beginning.

We drove down to Cherokee, NC on Thursday, a gorgeous, blue-sky, warm-breeze, sunny, T-shirt day. It could not have been more perfect out. I was optimistic.

Oh, fool that I am.

The rest of our people arrived from Tennessee and we had a great time over dinner that evening. Here we are in front of our miniscule (but dry) cabin:

Yes, Mike really is that much taller than I am.

Friday morning we awoke to the distinct sound of rain pattering on the roof. Or drumming. Really it was more like a violent beating. Here's the front of our cabin - we needed a canoe to navigate the waters.

I don't know if you can really appreciate the depth of this puddle, but let me assure you Crocs are not the shoe of choice in this situation.

Instead of the great hike we had planned, we went to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. A bit of a letdown, but we're staying positive. In the afternoon the rain finally let up a little, so we did a short hike nearby and saw an old water-powered grain mill. Here are some of the guys on top of the flume that diverted water from the stream to the mill:

The trail beyond the mill was to continue over the stream, which we were supposed to be able to ford by stepping on a few rocks. But because of all the rain, our stepping stones were underwater. Jacob was determined to find a way though, and here he is formulating a plan:

He climbs:

He makes it to the other side.

Great, now what about those of us over 40? We walked back to the bridge and used the path on the other side. Not nearly as awe-inspiring, but safe.

After our cold, wet hike we went back to the campground and, hallelujah and glory to God, found the indoor hot tub. You can put up with a lot if you have a hot tub to look forward to. And all fourteen of us fit in it.

You know, I think there will be hot tubs in heaven. I'm going to look for that verse this week. But I digress.

We had to leave Saturday because Mike and Lovely had to get back to school on Sunday, so we got up and started rolling sleeping bags. This is what we saw:

I think we have cemented our reputation firmly. No one will ever again ask us to go camping.

Be thankful ~



Teacherbug said...

LOL! Oh, the experiences you get to share with the Sunday school class. :)

Sounds like a fun adventure, though. See ya later!

Modlmy said...

Wow Mom, I think you're getting to be as good a storyteller as Dad!

Anonymous said...

YEA! Whatever you changed has made be finally be able to see more than your title on my blog reader. Thanks!

Liz aka humpty