Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Yesterday I finally found some Italian tracts for Abbie to take with her in September, and ordered 200 of them. That doesn't seem like nearly enough, but she is very limited in her weight allowance, so we're trying to be careful. So Ben got home last night and I told him about it and he asked, "What do they say?" Well. That's an interesting question. How do you know what a tract in a foreign language says? I picked one that I had seen in English and I guess we just have to trust somebody to have translated it accurately. It's called "All This I Did for Thee." The tracts are free, and you just pay for shipping. What a blessing! You can get them and many other languages here.

Today we are going in search of wheat. I'm pretty picky about the type of wheat I get, preferring hard white spring wheat. I think I've found a place to get it, but it's a good 45 minute drive from here. If they have it, it will be worth it though. I've been without for a few weeks and the gremlins are grumbling. It's so hot out nobody wants to be outdoors, so we'll spend our day in an air-conditioned car getting something worthwhile done.

Be thankful ~



Anonymous said...

can't be as hot as it is here~!
heat index over 100 each day.

carrie said...

Oh, so you have grumbling gremlins, too? I thought yours were older than mine? Does that mean they never grow out of the gremlin phase? Wait-I don't want to know. Ugh.