Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend recap.

It was a sunny, warm weekend here in Northern Virginia, and we took advantage of it.

I started my Saturday bright and early with an 8-mile run—my first—and it went surprisingly well. I started in a big shopping center (where the half marathon will start) and wound my way through a local college campus, did a loop through the historic section of town, crawled up Hospital Hill, and back to the start. It was my first experiment with GU, this little packet of thick, gooey carbs that you're supposed to suck down for quick energy on long runs. I will never make that mistake again.

I was about an hour into the run, just passing the high school track where practice was underway, when I decided I'd better nourish myself for the long climb up Hospital Hill. So I tore the top off my little packet of GU, held it to my mouth, and squeezed. I stopped running and stood there on a public sidewalk in stunned panic. I wretched a little but managed to maintain my self-control while energetically depositing a mouthful of lemon-flavored slime the consistency of firm bacon grease on the sidewalk. I'll have to find another option for carbing up on the run.

Anyway, I made it up the dreaded, infamous hill despite my lack of GU and with only two walk breaks.

The rest of the day was spent hauling a motor, shoveling horse manure, cutting trees and splitting wood, and doing laundry. While Ben was pulling the trailer out of our backyard to go pick up the motor, he very carefully maneuvered the truck around the bucket of ashes that was sitting at the end of the driveway. What he neglected to account for, however, was that the trailer tires are a little wider than the truck tires. My ash bucket has been remodeled:

So now it's Monday and I've already done my short run. I'll be doing laundry (does it ever end?), enjoying the sunshine on the deck with Abbey, and shopping for a new ash bucket. Happy Monday!

Be thankful ~

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