Friday, July 9, 2010

Reading suggestions?

OK, so I quit Entourage and went back to MacMail. I did take the dog for a walk, but only about a mile. Today I worked a bunch and got through day three of a five-day unit study. Picked squash, zucchni, and tomatoes, went to the bank, ate a grilled cheese and fresh-off-the-vine tomato sandwich, and picked some beans. I left the rest for Ben because I just decided I was done in.

Also painted my toenails and made the command decision to quit reading a book I was trying to get through. I almost never do that, but this one was exceptionally boring. Back to Holly Springs by Jan Karon is no action-packed thriller, that's for sure.

Any suggestions? It must be clean, well written, and what I call "brain candy." I don't want to waste what little reading time I have on nuclear physics. And I'm not big on romances—way too predictable and not terribly life-like.

Sticky Bean is now running through the house (his, not mine). One day he was crawling, the next he was on the go. In a rare moment of sitting, Deb snapped this with her phone:

So serious!

Be thankful ~


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